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Oh this world is an evil kingdom with old satan on the throne
for he rules with dark deception cruel seeds that he has sown
resist him & he will flee from you and in this battle we are not alone
to fight the world flesh and the devil soon Jesus brings us home
Oh this heart is an evil kingdom without Jesus living there
always filled with hates and envys anger lust and sad despare
we wrestle not against flesh and blood but the prince of powers of the air
and with the heart there is no victory when Jesus is not there
don the helmut of salvation the brestplate of rightousness
gird your loins about with God's truth wield your sword the word of God
shod your feet with the gospel of peace the shield of faith will keep you till the end
quenching the firey darts of the wicked until Jesus comes again
shod your feet with the gospel of peace the shield of faith will keep you till the end
quenching the firey darts of the wicked until Jesus comes again until Jesus comes again
John Hager Music BMI